Lewe Balloons SB20202- 710
Lewe Sheep SB20049-810
Lewe the Ewe Black Dots 0n White SB20171-100
Lewe the Ewe Panel SB20200-810
Lewe the Ewe White Dots on Black SB20171-199
Paul the Frog & Sheldon the Turtle Brown SB20053-280
Paul the Frog & Sheldon the Turtle green SB20040-850
Paul the Frog & Sheldon the Turtle sb20222-740
Paul the Frog & Sheldon the Turttle SB20036-740 Blue
Paul the Frog & Sheldon the Turttle SB20220-780
Zoe the Giraffe Brown SB20258-280
Zoe the Giraffe Green SB20103-830
Zoe the Giraffe Panel SB20062-430
Zoe the Giraffe Panel SB20255-280
Zoe the Giraffe Panel SB20256-930
Zoe the Giraffe Tan SB20103-430